Edward Brown
Economist & Historian
Welcome to Edward Brown's personal website. From here you will be able to keep up with Edward's latest research, as well as stay up to date with recent commentary at TheDemandSide.com and new episodes of The Demand Side podcast.
For those who are new to the site, here is a little bit about Edward. For the last few years, he worked at the US Department of Labor as economist focusing on producer price inflation. Prior to that, he was posted at both conservative and liberal organizations, serving as an associate at the American Enterprise Institute, researcher in President Obama's Council of Economic Advisers, and economist in various governmental agencies. Edward's private sector experience includes equities research at Morgan Stanley, technical analysis at Oppenheimer & Company, and private equity consulting.
In September 2021, Edward left the Labor Department to begin working towards his MPhil in Economic and Social History at the University of Cambridge.
Research Interests
Edward's research interests are vast. You can tell by heading over to TheDemandSide.com or listening to The Demand Side podcast that he covers quite a few topics. And while he certainly enjoy discussing each and every one of those--especially when discussing them with leading scholars in their respective fields--his academic interests lie primarily with the evolution of central banking and monetary policy implementation.
2022 - Present
University of Cambridge
Ph.D. Economic History
2021 - 2022
University of Cambridge
M.Phil Economic and Social History
2014 - 2016
Brown University
MP.P. Economic Policy
2013 - 2014
Southern Methodist University
M.A. Economics